Portfolios Wiki courses:lecture:pplec
2020-01-27T01:37:07-08:00Portfolios Wiki
Finding the Energy Eigenstates of a 2-Well System (30 minutes)
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The function representation of this system's Hamiltonian will look like:
$$H=-\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m}\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial x^{2}} + V_{atom}\left(x-a\right) + V_{atom}\left(x-2a\right) \; \; . $$text/html2011-08-10T14:51:41-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecaandb
Solving for $\alpha$ and $\beta$ for the 2-well Case (10 minutes)
$$H \; = \; \left[\begin{array}{cc} \alpha & \beta \\ \beta & \alpha \\ \end{array}\right] \; \; . $$
But, how do we explicitly find what $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are?
First, let's find alpha. We will start by looking at the operationtext/html2011-08-26T10:32:41-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecapproxbe1d
Approximating the Internal Energy for a 1-Dimensional Chain (30 minutes)
Note: Time permitting, this lecture would also work well as an activity for students to tackle in small groups.
A 1-dimensional chain contains N atoms and has total length L. Find the total energy stored in the lattice when:text/html2011-08-26T10:33:39-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecapproxbe3dlat
Approximating the Internal Energy for a 3-D Lattice (30 minutes)
Time permitting, this lecture also converts well into an activity for students to tackle in small groups.
* Before performing this lecture, it is recommended that students first Approximate the Internal Energy for a 1-D Chain.text/html2011-08-26T10:35:12-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecdifferences
Differences Between Vibrating Atoms and Electrons in a Crystal (5 minutes)
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Effective mass (10 minutes)
Let's first consider the mass of a classical object. Some important characteristics:
Now, for a classical object, the kinetic energy of the object is equal to
$$E \; = \; \frac{1}{2}mv^{2} \; = \; \frac{p^{2}}{2m} \; \; . $$text/html2011-08-26T10:49:26-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecfullband
Filled Electron Band in a Crystal (10 minutes)
Let's now consider a crystal that has a filled band. Equivalently, let's consider a crystal that has an electron filling each possible eigenstate the crystal has to offer.
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Half-Filled Electron Band in a Crystal (15 minutes)
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Some things to notice:
Now, let's apply an electric field across the crystal and see what happens to the electrons.
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Just like the single electron band, each electron is accelerated in the presence of an electric field. Now, there are more right movers than there are left movers in the system (i.e. there are more electrons with positive wave vectors). What does this tell us about …text/html2011-08-09T10:24:56-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecheatcapintenergy
Using the Equipartition Theorem to Estimate Heat Capacity (10 minutes)
Example: solids at room temperature and above.
$$C_{\alpha} \, = \, \left(\frac{dU_{tot}}{dT}\right)_{\alpha} \; \; , $$
Where $\alpha$ is the variable of the system being held constant (volume, pressure, etc.).text/html2011-08-26T10:24:16-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecinf1dchain
Infinite Chain of One-Dimensional Atoms (30 minutes)
Consider an infinite chain of one-dimensional atoms, as seen below.
$$x_{n}=\sin{kna} \; \; $$
where $na$ is the location of the nth atom and $k$ is the wave vector of the envelope function. The position function can be generalized by writing it astext/html2011-08-26T10:23:46-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecinf1ddiachain
Infinite Chain of One-Dimensional Diatomic Molecules (40 minutes)
$$m\ddot{x}_{n} \, = \, -\kappa\left(x_{n}-x_{n-1}\right) - \kappa \left(x_{n}-x_{n+1}\right) \; \; .$$
$$m_{A}\ddot{x}_{n}^{A} \, = \, -\kappa\left(x_{n}^{A}-x_{n-1}^{B}\right) - \kappa \left(x_{n}^{A}-x_{n}^{B}\right) \; \; $$text/html2011-08-26T10:21:08-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecnmode
Approximating the N-th Normal Mode Frequency for an N-chain Oscillator (10 minutes)
$$m\ddot{x}=-2\kappa x \; - \; 2\kappa x \; \; . $$
Assuming that the equation describing the particle's motion has the form
$$x(t)=Ae^{i \omega t} \; \; , $$text/html2011-08-26T10:43:20-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecnwellhamil
Hamiltonian for the n-well System (20 minutes)
the analysis of a 2-well system
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Recall that the Hamiltonian for our 2-well system had the form
$$H \; = \; \left[\begin{array}{cc} \alpha & \beta \\ \beta & \alpha \\ \end{array}\right] \; = \; \left[\begin{array}{cc} \langle 1 \vert H \vert 1 \rangle & \langle 1 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle \\ \langle 2 \vert H \vert 1 \rangle & \langle 2 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle \\ \end{array}\right] \; \; . $$text/html2011-08-26T10:44:11-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecnwellsys
Finding the Energy Eigenstates of an N-Well System (40 minutes)
how to find the Hamiltonian for the n-well system
$$H \; \dot{=} \left[\begin{array}{ccccc} \alpha & \beta & 0 & 0 & \dots\\ \beta & \alpha & \beta & 0 & \\ 0 & \beta & \alpha & \beta & \ddots \\ 0 & 0 & \beta & \alpha & \ddots \\ \vdots & & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots \\ \end{array}\right] \; \; . $$text/html2011-08-26T10:46:23-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecpbc
Periodic Boundary Conditions on Long Chains of Atoms (15 minutes)
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The two important conditions that must be satisfied for periodicity:
The first condition essentially tells us that if we continued the envelope function past our unit length, it must be continuous and smooth. Let's see if $k=\frac{\pi}{L}$ or $k=\frac{2\pi}{L}$ satisfy this condition.text/html2011-08-26T10:17:24-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecperiodicdim
Periodic Systems in Different Dimensions (5 minutes)
3-D periodic system example:
Below we can also see a cartoon interpretation of the unit cells in Opal. A 2-D periodic system can be acquired by taking only a single cross-section of unit cells in the pyramid.text/html2011-08-26T11:11:24-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecphenomena
Common Phenomena in Periodic Systems (10 minutes)
Sound waves in a crystal.
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Light waves in opal and photonic crystals.
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Electron waves in an atomic crystal.
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Quantization of Energy in Mechanical Oscillators (15 minutes)
Draw Some Bound States
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Monatomic Chain Lab
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In essence, each normal mode for a multi-particle oscillator can be thought of as a collective mass bound by an effective potential.text/html2011-08-26T10:19:33-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecrevcircuitde
Review of Differential Equations in Circuits (5 minutes)
$$V_{L}=L\frac{dI}{dt} \; \; ,$$
$$V_{C}=\frac{Q}{C} \; \; .$$
Now, as an example of Kirchoff's Voltage Law, if we combine a capacitor and an inductor in series as shown below,
we find thattext/html2011-08-26T10:47:29-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecsingleelec
Single Electron in a Crystal (15 minutes)
$$E = \alpha + 2\beta \, \cos{ka} \; \; , $$
where we recall that $\alpha$ is a positive value and $\beta$ is a negative value.
Let's plot this energy graph.
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Recall that each allowed energy value is directly related to a particular wave vector $k$. The circles in the graph represent these discrete allowed energies.text/html2011-08-26T10:20:33-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplectwocoupledosc
Two Coupled Oscillators (30 minutes)
Before beginning this activity, it is recommended that the instructor ask the Single Simple Harmonic Oscillator small whiteboard question. This is useful for reviewing Hooke's Law and how to use the law to find the equations of motion for an oscillating system.text/html2011-08-26T11:10:30-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecunit1terms
Definitions of Important Terms for This Unit (10 minutes)
Presenting these definitions in between students Emulating a Wave in a Periodic System is highly recommended. Doing so will help solidify the connection between the verbal and physical representations.text/html2011-08-26T10:42:03-08:00courses:lecture:pplec:pplecwavestates
Energy Eigenstates of a Single Potential Well (5 minutes)
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Rather than write the exact equation for this function repeatedly throughout the course, let's represent this state as