Table of Contents
Unit: Interlude
Partial Derivatives (40 minutes)
- Quantifying Change (Small Group PDM Activity)
- Isowidth and Isoforce Stretchability (Small Group PDM Activity)
Potential Energy and the Partial Derivative Machine (1 hour 40 minutes)
- Math pre-test (Class actvity, 15 minutes)
- Easy and Hard Derivatives (Small Group PDM Activity)
- Potential Energy of a Spring (Lecture 5 minutes)
- Potential Energy of an Elastic System (Integrated PDM Lab)
Total Differentials and Partial Derivatives (1 hour 30 minutes)
- Total Differentials (Lecture 10 minutes)
- Evaluating Total Differentials: "Zapping with d" (Small Group Activity)
- What You Can Do with Total Differentials (Lecture 5 minutes)
- Upside Down Derivatives (Small Group PDM Activity)
- Cyclic Chain Rule (Small Group PDM Activity)
- Deriving Change of Variables (Small Group PDM Activity)
Maxwell Relations and Legendre Transforms
- Mixed Partials and Maxwell Relations (Lecture 30 minutes)
- Legendre Transforms (Lecture 5 minutes)