\documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx, multicol,wrapfig,exscale,epsfig,fancybox,fullpage} \pagestyle{empty} \parindent=0pt \parskip=.1in \newcommand\hs{\hspace{6pt}} \begin{document} \font\tenbm=cmmib10 \skewchar\tenbm='177 \newfam\bmfam \textfont\bmfam=\tenbm \def\bmit{\fam\bmfam\tenbm} \mathchardef\imath="717B \mathchardef\jmath="717C \def\VF#1{\kern-0.5pt\vec{\kern0.5pt\bmit #1}} \def\rr{\VF r} \def\Hat#1{\hat{\bmit #1}} \def\HAT#1{\kern-0.25pt\hat{\kern0.25pt\bmit #1}} \def\ii{\Hat\imath} \def\jj{\Hat\jmath} \def\kk{\Hat k} \def\rhat{\HAT r} \def\that{\Hat\theta} \def\phat{\Hat\phi} \def\small{} \def\vspace#1{\vskip#1} \def\newpage{\vfill\eject} \large\centerline{\textbf{Calculating Line Elements in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates}}\normalsize \bigskip\bigskip \leftline{\bf Rectangular Coordinates:} The arbitrary infinitesimal displacement vector in Cartesian coordinates is: $$d\rr=dx\,\ii + dy\,\jj +dz\,\kk$$ Given the cube shown below, find $d\rr$ on each of the three paths, leading from $a$ to $b$. \vspace{0.4in} Path 1: $d\rr=$ \bigskip Path 2: $d\rr=$ \bigskip Path 3: $d\rr=$ \bigskip\bigskip \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4.5 in]{vfdrvectorcurvihandfig1.jpg}} \bigskip \newpage The first expression above for $d\rr$ is valid for any path in rectangular coordinates. Find the appropriate expression for $d\rr$ for the path which goes directly from $a$ to $c$ as drawn below. \vspace{0.6in} Path 4: $d\rr=$ \vspace{-0.5in} \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4.5 in]{vfdrvectorcurvihandfig2.png}} \bigskip\bigskip However, Cartesian coordinates would be a {\bf poor} choice to describe a path on a cylindrically or spherically shaped surface. Next we will find an appropriate expression in these cases. \newpage \leftline{\bf Cylindrical Coordinates:} You will now derive the general form for $d\rr$ in cylindrical coordinates by determining $d\rr$ along the specific paths below. Note that an infinitesmial element of length in the $\rhat$ direction is simply $dr$, just as an infinitesimal element of length in the $\ii$ direction is $dx$. {\bf But}, an infinitesimal element of length in the $\phat$ direction is {\bf not} just $d\phi$, since this would be an angle and does not even have the units of length. Geometrically determine the length of the three paths leading from $a$ to $b$ and write these lengths in the corresponding boxes on the diagram. Now, remembering that $d\rr$ has both magnitude and direction, write down below the infinitesimal displacement vector $d\rr$ along the three paths from $a$ to $b$. Notice that, along any of these three paths, only one coordinate $r$, $\phi$, or $z$ is changing at a time. (i.e.\ along path 1, $dz\ne0$, but $d\phi=0$ and $dr=0$). \bigskip \vspace{1truein} Path 1: $d\rr=$ \bigskip Path 2: $d\rr=$ \bigskip Path 3: $d\rr=$ \bigskip \vspace{-2.25truein} \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4.5 in]{vfdrvectorcurvihandfig3.png}} \bigskip If all three coordinates are allowed to change simultaneously, by an infinitesimal amount, we could write this $d\rr$ for any path as: \bigskip \qquad$d\rr$= \bigskip This is the general line element in cylindrical coordinates. \newpage \centerline{\includegraphics[width=4.5 in]{vfdrvectorcurvihandfig4.png}} \leftline{\bf Spherical Coordinates:} You will now derive the general form for $d\rr$ in spherical coordinates by determining $d\rr$ along the specific paths below. As in the cylindrical case, note that an infinitesimal element of length in the $\that$ or $\phat$ direction is {\bf not} just $d\theta$ or $d\phi$. You will need to be more careful. Geometrically determine the length of the three paths leading from $a$ to $b$ and write these lengths in the corresponding boxes on the diagram. Now, remembering that $d\rr$ has both magnitude and direction, write down below the infinitesimal displacement vector $d\rr$ along the three paths from $a$ to $b$. Notice that, along any of these three paths, only one coordinate $r$, $\theta$, or $\phi$ is changing at a time. (i.e.\ along path 1, $d\theta\ne0$, but $dr=0$ and $d\phi=0$). \medskip Path 1: $d\rr=$ \smallskip Path 2: $d\rr=$ \hfill{\small (Be careful, this is the tricky one.)} \smallskip Path 3: $d\rr=$ \medskip If all 3 coordinates are allowed to change simultaneously, by an infinitesimal amount, we could write this $d\rr$ for any path as: \medskip \qquad$d\rr$= \medskip This is the general line element in spherical coordinates. \vfill \leftline{\it by Corinne Manogue and Katherine Meyer} \leftline{\copyright 1997 \& 2006 Corinne A. Manogue} \end{document}