Plane Waves

By the time students are in their senior year, most have had some experience with planes, but many students are unable to say what's planar about plane waves. This sequence of activities helps students understand $\vec{k}\cdot\vec{r}$ and visualize different representations of plane waves commonly used in physics. Some of the activities in this sequence were the first to be designed and have even found their way in TA training sessions and teaching seminars. We often use these activities as guided whole class discussions, with the instructor controlling the computer, although they can work well as small group activities.

Overall, this sequence attempts to introduce students to what is planar about plane waves through first considering what is meant by the dot product and in particular, $\vec{k}\cdot\vec{r}$–a scalar quantity. Once students have an understanding of this dot product both algebraically and geometrically, as emphasized in Visualizing Plane Waves, they can proceed to understand $\cos{\vec{k}\cdot\vec{r}}$ as alternating through values ranging from -1 to 1. Adding in time dependence means that these planes progress in time and can be expressed as $\cos{\vec{k}\cdot\vec{r}-\omega t}$. This forms the fundamental understanding of the algebraic and geometric meanings of plane waves as used in physics.

Students begin to learn about plane waves in the context of electricity and magnetism in Visualizing Electromagnetic Plane Waves which introduces the idea of perpendicular fields, electric and magnetic, which oscillate in strength according to position which extends the algebraic notation of plane waves to include an expression of the form, $\vec{E_0}\cos{\vec{k}\cdot\vec{r}}$. Which allows students to compare and contrast many different representations of plane waves which are used in physics and analyze what information is presented in each representation and what is neglected.
