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January 7, 2010: Corinne, Kerry, EVZ

Look at today's preface video for some interesting examples that are not Corinne (David McIntyre). In particular, look for examples asking students to come up with a technical term for something. Corinne, this can be either good or bad thing to do depending on the context such as whether or not you expect them to know the term. If they can be expected to know the term, then it's a good recall exercise but if they don't know the term, asking them is not going to get them to come up with the answer. (KB: what terms? C: don't remember but they're here)

Another topic: We should good ambiguous questions vs bad ambiguous questions.

Another topic: talk about setting the classroom norm of why one might ask ambiguous questions.

Another topic: at 1:13, David asked the question “Not the same by what factor?” which was a leading question, (KB: he had a specific thing in mind that he wanted them to say. C: checking in that they were listening, but not stimulating a discussion. good example of that type of question. Discuss what kinds of responses such a question elicits.

At 1:12, David posed a question geometrically with his hands, rather than using words. He said, if it's doing this instead of this (where he moved his hands in particular ways). (KB) where students were located affected what they could see.

At 1:23 David used manipulatives, a meter stick and a pen to represent what was going on geometrically. Might have used these in posing questions