Quantum Operators

Spin 1/2 systems are the simplest quantum systems and the Stern-Gerlach experiment is at the heart of quantum measurement theory. From our research Making sense of quantum operators, eigenstates, and quantum measurements, we found that many of our students share the common misunderstanding that the eigenvalue equations $$S_z \vert \pm \rangle = \pm\frac{\hbar}{2} \vert \pm \rangle$$ is a mathematical description of what happens inside the Stern Gerlach device. Then they assume that the state vectors that come out of the Stern-Gerlach apparatus have the eigenvalues attached to them (as shown in picture below).

This sequence of activities represents our current attempt to stop this misunderstanding, hopefully before it develops. The activities can be divided into two parts. The first part is used to introduce the students to the mathematics behind a quantum mechanical system. The prerequisite for this sequence is linear algebra. The second part is used to build student understanding of the Stern-Gerlach experiment. A simulation of Stern-Gerlach experiments is used to provide a virtual experience for the students.


Linear Algebra prerequisites to quantum mechanics:

Stern-Gerlach Simulations