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Practice Finding Expectation Values

Keywords: Probability, Quantum mechanics, Averages, Expectation values, Small groups


Highlights of the activity

  1. Students are placed in small groups and asked to calculate the average value and expectation value for the operator $S_{z}$ and the quantum state $\vert\: +\rangle$.
  2. Time permitted, the groups are also asked to perform the same operation for the quantum state $\vert\: +\rangle_{x}$.

Reasons to spend class time on the activity

When introduced to quantum mechanics, students often struggle with the idea that the results of individual results cannot be predicted. However, with the expectation value, students will have the ability to calculate the statistical mean of any experiment. Expectation values are essential for all aspects of quantum mechanics, and this activity offers an introduction to expectation values in a familiar context.


Instructor's Guide

Authors: Teal Pershing, Corinne Manogue
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