The first concept students need to understand is linear charge density. Students must grapple with the underlying concept of charge density, but also understand how this linear density relates to the “chopping and adding” aspect of integration. Students frequently leave math classes understanding integration as “the area under a curve”. This activity pushes students to transform their understanding of integration to focus on “chopping and adding”.
This activity also gives students the opportunity to use curvilinear coordinates and then realize that they cannot successfully integrate without transforming them into rectangular coordinates. Understanding that $|\Vec{r} - \Vec r'|$ cannot be integrated by simply using “$r$” in curvilinear coordinates is an important realization.
The final component is that students need to recognize an elliptic integral and what to do when they run into one. Most commonly students have never seen such “unsolvable” integrals in their calculus classes. (Maple 13)