Commutators & Commuting Operators (10 minutes)

spins_unit_operators_and_measurements.ppt Pages 34-37

$$\left[S_{x},S_{y}\right]=S_{x}S_{y}-S_{y}S_{x} \; \; .$$

$$\left[S_{x},S_{y}\right]=i\hbar S_{z} \; \; , $$

$$\left[S_{y},S_{z}\right]=i\hbar S_{x} \; \; , $$

$$\left[S_{z},S_{x}\right]=i\hbar S_{y} \; \; . $$

Note to the class this is commonly just written as

$$\left[S_{x},S_{y}\right]=i\hbar S_{z} \; \; (\text{+ cyclic}) \; \; . $$

Be sure to tell the class that these relations are called the “Angular Momentum Commutation Relations” and that they show up very frequently. State that these relations will hold true for the angular momentum in all cases.