Single Electron in a Crystal (15 minutes)

$$E = \alpha + 2\beta \, \cos{ka} \; \; , $$

where we recall that $\alpha$ is a positive value and $\beta$ is a negative value.

Let's plot this energy graph.

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Recall that each allowed energy value is directly related to a particular wave vector $k$. The circles in the graph represent these discrete allowed energies.

For the above graph, there is no electric field applied across the crystal. Because of this, the electron sits in the lowest energy eigenstate possible and isn't moving anywhere (i.e. it is delocalized over a finite region of space).

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We can see that the electric field increases the energy (and, in turn, the wave vector) of the electron. As expected, the electron is also accelerated across the crystal when the electric field is turned on. This crystal is a conductor.