Hamiltonian for the n-well System (20 minutes)

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Recall that the Hamiltonian for our 2-well system had the form

$$H \; = \; \left[\begin{array}{cc} \alpha & \beta \\ \beta & \alpha \\ \end{array}\right] \; = \; \left[\begin{array}{cc} \langle 1 \vert H \vert 1 \rangle & \langle 1 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle \\ \langle 2 \vert H \vert 1 \rangle & \langle 2 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle \\ \end{array}\right] \; \; . $$

Notice how we used the basis states to represent each term in the Hamiltonian. The same process will work for a system with N-wells, where now there will be n-basis states with the form

$$\phi(x-a) \; \dot{=} \; \vert 1 \rangle $$ $$\phi(x-2a) \; \dot{=} \; \vert 2 \rangle $$ $$.$$ $$.$$ $$.$$ $$\phi(x-na) \; \dot{=} \; \vert n \rangle $$

Note that using this strategy will only be an approximation, but it works well.

$$H \; \dot{=} \left[\begin{array}{cccc} \langle 1 \vert H \vert 1 \rangle & \langle 1 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle & \langle 1 \vert H \vert 3 \rangle & \dots\\ \langle 2 \vert H \vert 1 \rangle & \langle 2 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle & \langle 2 \vert H \vert 3 \rangle & \\ \langle 3 \vert H \vert 1 \rangle & \langle 3 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle & \langle 3 \vert H \vert 3 \rangle & \\ \vdots & & & \ddots \\\end{array}\right] \; \; $$

We now have the Hamiltonian; all we must do now is find the value of each entry. Let's look at the entries in classes.

Let's expand the first two entries out into function notation to compare them.

$$\langle 1 \vert H \vert 1 \rangle \; = \; \int \phi^{*}(x-a)H \phi(x-a) dx \; \; , $$

$$\langle 2 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle \; = \; \int \phi^{*}(x-2a)H \phi(x-2a) dx \; \; . $$

Notice that the integrals are identical; the only difference is that the function is shifted to the right by one step. The same pattern will continue across all entries on the diagonal, so

$\langle n \vert H \vert n \rangle = \alpha \; \; . $$

Let's first look at the overlap function of the first well onto the second well.

$$\langle 1 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle = \langle 1 \vert H_{0}^{(2)} + V_{neighbors}^{(2)} \vert 2 \rangle \; \; , $$

where $H$ is the full Hamiltonian, $H_{0}^{(2)}$ is the Hamiltonian for the atom at $2a$ alone, and $V_{neighbors}^{2}$ contains the potential functions of each well that neighbors the atom at $2a$.

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Expanding out the Hamiltonian is a crucial step: If we multiply the bras and kets through the expression, we get

$$\langle 1 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle = \langle 1 \vert H_{0}^{(2)} \vert 2 \rangle + \langle 1 \vert V_{neighbors}^{(2)} \vert 2 \rangle \; \; . $$

Using the energy eigenvalue equation, we know that $H_{0}^{(2)} \vert 2 \rangle = E_{2} \vert 2 \rangle$. Since the energy is a constant, we can factor it out to have

$$\langle 1 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle = E_{2} \langle 1 \vert \vert 2 \rangle + \langle 1 \vert V_{neighbors}^{(2)} \vert 2 \rangle \; \; , $$

$$\langle 1 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle = \langle 1 \vert V_{neighbors}^{(2)} \vert 2 \rangle \; \; . $$

Repeating the process by analyzing the second well's overlap onto the first well will give

$$\langle 2 \vert H \vert 1 \rangle = \langle 2 \vert V_{neighbors}^{(1)} \vert 1 \rangle \; \; . $$

Both entries will resolve into the same integral and ultimately yield the same value.

$$\langle 2 \vert H \vert 1 \rangle = \langle 1 \vert H \vert 2 \rangle = \beta \; \; . $$

Let's look at the first well's overlap onto the third well. Performing the same analysis as with the neighboring wells, we find that

$$\langle 1 \vert H \vert 3 \rangle = \langle 1 \vert V_{neighbors}^{(3)} \vert 3 \rangle \; \; . $$

To find the value for this entry, we would have to evaluate the integral

$$\langle 1 \vert H \vert 3 \rangle = \int \phi^{*g}(x-a) V_{neighbors}^{(3)} \phi^{g}(x-3a) dx \; \; . $$

However, if we look at the spacing in the wells, the ground state functions for the first and third well hardly overlap.

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The separation will result in the integral being essentially zero.

Putting all of the entries that we found back into the Hamiltonian gives:

$$H \; \dot{=} \left[\begin{array}{ccccc} \alpha & \beta & 0 & 0 & \dots\\ \beta & \alpha & \beta & 0 & \\ 0 & \beta & \alpha & \beta & \ddots \\ 0 & 0 & \beta & \alpha & \ddots \\ \vdots & & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots \\ \end{array}\right] \; \; . $$

Again, we have made several approximations to arrive at this Hamiltonian. Nevertheless, it's something we can use approximate the energies of eigenstates for larger well systems.