Students should be able to:
Which of the following forces can be central forces? which cannot?
The force on a test mass $m$ in a gravitational field $\Vec{g }$, i.e. $m\Vec g$
The force on a test charge $q$ in an electric field $\Vec E$, i.e. $q\Vec E$
The force on a test charge $q$ moving at velocity $\Vec{v }$ in a magnetic field $\Vec B$, i.e. $q\Vec v \times \Vec B$
If a central force is the only force acting on a system of two masses (i.e. no external forces), what will the motion of the center of mass be?
Show that the plane of the orbit is perpendicular to the angular momentum vector $\Vec L$.
Consider a system of two particles.
Show that the total kinetic energy of the system is the same as that of two “fictitious” particles: one of mass $M=m_1+m_2$ moving with the speed of the CM (center of mass) and one of mass $\mu$ (the reduced mass) moving with the speed of the relative position $\vec{r}=\vec{r}_2-\vec{r}_1$.
Show that the total angular momentum of the system can be similarly decomposed into the angular momenta of these two fictitious particles.