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In essence, each normal mode for a multi-particle oscillator can be thought of as a collective mass bound by an effective potential.
$$U_{mode} \, = \, \left(n_{phonon}\, + \, \frac{1}{2}\right)\hbar \omega_{mode} \, \, , $$
where $\hbar \omega_{mode}$ is the phonon energy and $n_{phonon}$ is called the phonon number. $n_{phonon}$ increases with temperature and in whole steps (i.e. $n_{phonon}=0,1,2…$).
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Notice the abrupt drop off at the freeze out point. It was later found that this “freeze out” range of temperatures can actually be modeled using the Real Bose-Einstein function
$$f(\omega)=\frac{1}{e^{\frac{\hbar \omega}{kT}}-1} \; \; . $$