Periodic Boundary Conditions on Long Chains of Atoms (15 minutes)

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The two important conditions that must be satisfied for periodicity:

  1. The coefficients for $\vert 1 \rangle$ and $\vert N \rangle$ must be the same.
  2. The same condition must also apply to any analysis on any other unit length on the chain (i.e. $\vert 2 \rangle$ and $\vert N+1 \rangle$, $\vert 3 \rangle$ and $\vert N+2 \rangle$, etc.).

The first condition essentially tells us that if we continued the envelope function past our unit length, it must be continuous and smooth. Let's see if $k=\frac{\pi}{L}$ or $k=\frac{2\pi}{L}$ satisfy this condition.

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Notice that $k=\frac{\pi}{L}$ is not an allowed envelope function for periodic boundary conditions because the function is not smooth when continued past the unit length. $k=\frac{2\pi}{L}$, however, is an allowed wave vector.

Continuing this analysis, we can see that the only allowable wave vectors for our LCAO are

$$k=\frac{2\pi}{L}, \frac{4\pi}{L}, \frac{6\pi}{L}, …$$

$$\sum_{n=1}^{N} A\, \cos{(kna)}\; \phi (x-na) \; \; $$

$$\sum_{n=1}^{N} A\, \sin{(kna)}\; \phi (x-na) \; \; , $$

$$k=\frac{2\pi}{L}, \frac{4\pi}{L}, \frac{6\pi}{L}, …$$

Equivalently, these can be written as

$$\sum_{n=1}^{N} A\, e^{ikna}\; \phi (x-na) \; \; $$

$$\sum_{n=1}^{N} A\, e^{-ikna}\; \phi (x-na) \; \; , $$

$$k=\frac{2\pi}{L}, \frac{4\pi}{L}, \frac{6\pi}{L}, …$$

We can also combine the complex polar forms into one master representation as

$$\sum_{n=1}^{N} A\, e^{ikna}\; \phi (x-na) \; \; ,$$

$$k=\frac{-N\pi}{L}, … ,\frac{-2\pi}{L},0, \frac{2\pi}{L}, \frac{4\pi}{L}, … , \frac{N\pi}{L} \; \; .$$

Note that the sign of the wave vector determines the direction of the traveling wave.

$$k < 0 \; \text{is a traveling wave with momentum leftward.}$$

$$k > 0 \; \text{is a traveling wave with momentum rightward.}$$

Show them that the number of eigenstates is equal to the number of k-values that the electron's envelope function can possibly take. Classically, the number of eigenstates can be related to finding the number of modes of a chain of masses.

$$\text{# eigenstates} \; = \; \frac{\text{# k-values}}{\text{spacing}}\; = \; \frac{\frac{2N\pi}{L}}{\frac{2\pi}{L}} \; = \; N \; \; .$$