Infinite Chain of One-Dimensional Diatomic Molecules (40 minutes)

$$m\ddot{x}_{n} \, = \, -\kappa\left(x_{n}-x_{n-1}\right) - \kappa \left(x_{n}-x_{n+1}\right) \; \; .$$

$$m_{A}\ddot{x}_{n}^{A} \, = \, -\kappa\left(x_{n}^{A}-x_{n-1}^{B}\right) - \kappa \left(x_{n}^{A}-x_{n}^{B}\right) \; \; $$


$$m_{B}\ddot{x}_{n}^{B} \, = \, -\kappa\left(x_{n}^{B}-x_{n}^{A}\right) - \kappa \left(x_{n}^{B}-x_{n+1}^{A}\right) \; \; .$$

Note the different masses for each force equation; this is an important distinction for the diatomic case. Simplifying these expressions, we receive two coupled D.E.s:

$$m_{A}\ddot{x}_{n}^{A} \, = \, \kappa\left(x_{n-1}^{B}-2x_{n}^{A} + x_{n}^{B}\right) \; \; ,$$

$$m_{B}\ddot{x}_{n}^{B} \, = \, \kappa\left(x_{n}^{A}-2x_{n}^{B} + x_{n+1}^{A}\right) \; \; .$$

$$x_{n}^{A}=C_{A} \, \sin{kna}$$


$$x_{n}^{B}=C_{B} \, \sin{\left(kna+\delta_{k}\right)} \; \; .$$

Note that the second particle in the unit cell has a phase factor $\delta_{k}$ in the sine function. This phase factor is necessary to set the phase difference in the motion of the A and B atoms for each particular envelope function. Without it, both particles would start at the exact same displacement from their origin for every wave vector (which isn't true).

However, expressing the wave functions in complex polar form will make future calculations easier, so let's use the forms

$$x_{n}^{A}=Re\left[D e^{ikna}\right] \; \; $$


$$x_{n}^{B}=Re\left[\alpha D e^{ikna}\right] \; \; , $$

where $t=0$ for both statements and $D$ is a complex constant. The $\alpha$ term is called the “form factor” and has the form

$$\alpha=\alpha_{0}e^{i\delta_{k}} \; \; . $$

If any student asks, “Why use a form factor rather than two constants like we are used to?”, inform them that the form factor makes manipulating the coupled D.E.s easier because the D constant can be factored out. If they're still confused, tell them to allow you to continue the derivation and show them.

$$x_{n}^{A}=D e^{ikna}e^{i\omega_{k}t} $$

$$x_{n}^{B}=\alpha D e^{ikna}e^{i\omega_{k}t} \; \; .$$

$$-m_{A}\omega_{k}^{2}e^{ikna} \, = \, \kappa \left(\alpha e^{ik(n-1)a} \, - \, 2e^{ikna} \, + \, \alpha e^{ikna}\right) \; \; $$


$$-m_{B}\omega_{k}^{2}\alpha e^{ikna} \, = \, \kappa \left(e^{ikna} \, - \, 2\alpha e^{ikna} \, + \, e^{ik(n+1)a}\right) \; \; .$$

Notice that using $D$ and $\alpha D$ for the coefficients allowed for us to factor out $D$ from each equation. Ask the class how many unknowns are in these equations and what they are. Note that using a form factor was crucial; thanks to our form factor, we now have two coupled equations and only two unknowns ($\omega_{k}$ and $\alpha$).

$$\alpha \, = \, \frac{2\kappa - m_{A}\omega_{k}^{2}}{2\kappa\; \cos{\left(\frac{ka}{2}\right)}e^{-i\frac{ka}{2}}} \; \; $$


$$\alpha \, = \, \frac{2\kappa\; e^{i\frac{ka}{2}}\cos{\left(\frac{ka}{2}\right)}}{2\kappa - m\omega_{k}^{2}} \; \; . $$

Now, we can set the expressions equal to each other to eliminate the form factor $\alpha$. Rearranging the expression to solve for $\omega_{k}$ will give the dispersion relation

$$\omega_{k}(k)=\sqrt{\kappa\left(\frac{m_{A}+m_{B}}{m_{A}m_{B}}\right) \pm \kappa \left[\left(\frac{m_{A} + m_{B}}{m_{A}m_{B}}\right)^{2}-\frac{4}{m_{A}m_{B}}\sin{^{2}\frac{ka}{2}}\right]^{\frac{1}{2}}} \; \; ,$$

where $a$ is the size of a unit cell, $\kappa$ is the effective spring constant between each atom, and $k$ is the wave vector of the envelope function. Also note the appearance of the inverse of the reduced mass, where the reduced mass is defined as

$$m_{red}=\frac{m_{A}m_{B}}{m_{A}+m_{B}} \; \; .$$

Ask the class about any important features of the dispersion relation they can see. Important observations of dispersion relation: