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Acting Out Charge Densities : Instructor's Guide

Main Ideas

Students' Task

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

To pretend like they are charges and form various types of charge densities throughout the room.

Prerequisite Knowledge

Some understanding of mass density is helpful.



Activity: Introduction

Note: It helps if the instructor stands on a chair or table so they are high enough to see all the students. We usually hold a voltmeter and pretend that it is set to measure electric fields.

Prompts: Each of you is a charge:

Activity: Student Conversations

  1. Start with the prompt “Make a linear charge density.”
    • Students usually line up in a straight line. An excellent follow-up question is “Does a linear charge density need to be arranged in a straight line?”
    • A few students may interpret the word linear to mean that the number of charges in each interval of space is increasing. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss the two different uses of term “linear” - as “one-dimensional” and as “$y=mx$”.
  2. A next question might be “Is this a uniform or non-uniform density?”.
    • You can then discuss what “uniform” means.
    • You can ask the students to make their distribution first uniform and then non-uniform.
  3. “Make a surface charge density.”
    • Students will spread themselves around the room, or line up two-by-two. You can ask the students whether their distribution needs to be flat.
  4. At some point, the idea of idealization should come up. What do we mean by a continuous distribution of charges described by a charge density?

Activity: Wrap-up

This activity can wrap up with a presentation of the variables used to describe the various types of charge densities ($\lambda$, $\sigma$, and $\rho$). Its also useful to mention the dimensions of these charge densities and conceptually how one would measure them (take a meter stick and count charges).


If this activity works well in your classroom, you might also want to try the activity

at an appropriate time in your course.

This activity is included within a sequence of activities addressing Gauss’s law in integral form. The following activities are part of this sequence and can be used as extensions to this activity.

This is the initial activity within a sequence of activities addressing Scalar Integration in Curvilinear Coordinates. The following activities are included within this sequence: