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Estimated time: 30 minutes
To write down the solution to the 1-D wave equation that matches specific boundary conditions using several standard algebraic forms.
The students know that the position and velocity of an oscillator at, say, $t$ = 0, determine the two arbitrary constants that appear in the equation of motion for the oscillator: $B_{p}\cos \omega t+B_{q}\sin \omega t$ or $A\cos \left( \omega t+\varphi \right)$ . They also know that this is the solution to a 2nd order ordinary differential equation.
Now that they have the equation of motion for a “collection of oscillators”, they need to understand how to determine the arbitrary constants that appear in the general form. They have also studied the PDE that leads to this general form, but they don't yet know what this has to do with physics. Keep reassuring them that Newton's law or the Maxwell equations (which are coming up soon) will lead to this form!
The mini-lecture, or introduction to the activity, is to use the example of a transverse wave on a rope, which comes closest to a collection of oscillators. The students now know that most general form of a wave is
\[\psi \left( x,t \right)=A\cos kx\cos \omega t+B\cos kx\sin \omega t+\sin kx\cos \omega t+D\sin kx\sin \omega t\]
then if they know the position and velocity of $every$ point on the rope at, say, $t$ = 0, they will be able to determine the 4 arbitrary constants. In other words, if they know $\psi \left( x,0 \right)$ and $\left. \frac{\partial \psi \left( x,t \right)}{\partial t} \right|_{t=0}$ , then $A$, $B$,$C$ and $D$ will be known.
Students divide themselves into groups of three. Having just discussed the general form of the solution to the 1-d non dispersive wave equation, they must now find some specific forms that conform to particular conditions at time $t$ = 0. It is important to understand which constants are considered unknown, and which are known. For example, when students see, “The wave form at $t$ = 0 is $$\psi \left( {x,t = 0} \right) = \Omega \sin \left( {kx} \right)”,$$ they may not recognize that it is implied that $\Omega $ is known and that it defines $A = \Omega ;B = 0$ in the general expression $$\psi \left( {x,t = 0} \right) = A\sin \left( {kx} \right) + B\cos \left( {kx} \right).$$ Such things need to be taught explicitly.
Groups write their values for the coefficients on the board and whether they think the wave is traveling or standing. Ask a single group to present one result, and as they do so, the instructor runs a Maple worksheet Maple 13;Maple classic, entering the group's coefficients and running the animation to see if the wave progresses as predicted. Connecting traveling waves to the combination $x-vt$ and standing waves to separate $x$ and $t$ is critical, especially if one is a superposition of the other.
Ask the groups to (re)derive, for example, the identity \[\cos \left( kx-\omega t \right)=\cos kx\cos \omega t+\sin kx\sin \omega t\] and elicit the response “a traveling wave can be written as the sum of two standing waves”. $Vice$ $versa$ for: \[2\cos kx\cos \omega t=\cos \left( kx-\omega t \right)+\sin \left( kx-\omega t \right)\] Most students are not able to pull any of these identities from memory. They no longer memorize them in earlier courses.
This is a good activity to serve as the foundation for a later discussion of Fourier Series.