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Non-dispersive wave propagation
Relationship between voltage and current
Understanding how a wave propagates inside a coaxial cable
How voltage is measured in a coaxial cable
Material velocity v. propagation speed
Estimated Time:15 minutes
In a brief mini-lecture, students are introduced to the idea that as electrons move back and forth locally, a potential difference is created between the inner part and outer part of a coaxial cable.
How voltage is measured – Some students don't realize that the inner part and the outer part of the coaxial cable do not affect each other. It is the relative motion between the movement of the electrons from both sides that creates the potential difference across the coaxial cable.
Material velocity v. Propagation speed – Emphasize that an electron does not travel from one end of the cable to the other end of the cable. Instead, the vibration of each electron was the way the wave propagated inside the coax cable. The analogy of how sound wave propagates in the air would be favorable in this case.
No specific wrap-up is needed.