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Students are tasked to find what electric field looks like from a quadrupole.
Estimated Time: 20 - 30 minutes
How the gradient acts a potential field
What the potential field looks like for a quadrupole
$\Vec E = -\Vec \nabla V$
Ask students to sketch the electric field vectors of a quadrupole. Students should familiar with the relationship between the electric field and potential, $\Vec E (\Vec r) = -\Vec \nabla V (\Vec r)$.
Students tend to use two main approaches to this problem which are as follow:
Vector addition of the electric field from each charge
Using the gradient on the known potential field of a quadrupole
Students may try inadvertently draw electric field lines instead of electric field vectors. Drawing electric field lines in two dimensions will not show the appropriate electric field drop off. Electric field lines in three dimensions are required to see the correct drop off. Some students will draw electric field vectors with the correct direction, however, will not consider the importance of the magnitude of the vectors.
Some students struggle with the electric field vectors at points between the charges. Discussing the potential field of the quadrupole is helpful in guiding students to sketching the electric field vectors in the region between the charges.
This activity is part of a sequence of activities which address the Geometry of Vector Fields. The following activities are included in this sequence.