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This activity can also be part of a larger integrated laboratory. See the Spins Lab 3 activity page.
Estimated Time: 20 minutes (Without wrap-up)
Before performing this activity, it is advised that students have experience with Finding Unknown States Leaving the Oven in a Spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ System . Place the students into small groups. Working with the spin-1 system in the Spins software, have the groups change the setting of the oven from “RANDOM” to “UNKNOWN #1”. Have the class fill out the handout by calculating the probability that the unknown state will be in the $\vert 1 \rangle_{x,y,z}$, $\vert 0 \rangle_{x,y,z}$, or $\vert -1 \rangle_{x,y,z}$ states.
After students have taken their data, bring the groups back together to discuss how these probabilities will be used to find the unknown quantum state in terms of the z-basis. Remind students that the unknown quantum state vector can be represented by
$$\vert \phi \rangle\, = \, a \vert 1 \rangle \, + \, be^{i\phi}\vert 0 \rangle \, + \, ce^{i\delta} \vert -1 \rangle \; \; . $$
Now, solving for an unknown state in the spin-1 system is more challenging because there is now the $ce^{i\delta}$ term, but the same strategy used for solving the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ unknown state can be utilized. Taking the inner product of the unknown quantum state with one of the basis state vectors $\vert 1 \rangle_{x,y,z}$, $\vert 0 \rangle_{x,y,z}$, or $\vert -1 \rangle_{x,y,z}$ and then plugging in the inner product into the fourth postulate of quantum mechanics for the $\langle out \vert in \rangle$ term, where the fourth postulate looks like
$$\vert\langle out \vert in \rangle \vert ^{2}= P_{out} \; \; ,$$
will lead us to information about the real coefficients and the phases angles.
This exercise makes a good homework problem for students; they already have the tools to perform the calculations, and a chance for them to compute the quantum states independently is useful for their independent growth.
This activity is the first activity contained in SPINS Lab 3 . This activity is designed to be presented in the midst of lectures, but if you have a 2 hour block of time dedicated to labs, the above lab is a better choice. The following activity, also contained in SPINS Lab 3 is Analyzing a Spin-1 Interferometer