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Two Spin System: Instructor's Guide

Main Ideas

Students' Task

Estimated Time: 30 min

Prerequisite Knowledge

Spin-1/2 system eigenstates and matrices.


Activity: Introduction

Small white board questions:

  1. The electron has spin ½, with spin up and spin down eigenstates $|\pm\rangle_e$. For the electron, use the symbol $S$ for the spin.
    • Write down the eigenvalue equations for the electron states.
  2. The proton has spin ½, with spin up and spin down eigenstates $|\pm\rangle_p$. For the proton, use the symbol $I$ for the spin.
    • Write down the eigenvalue equations for the proton states.
  3. The system of electron and proton could be in the state: $|e^-\quad up\rangle |p^+\quad up\rangle\; =\;|+\rangle_e|+\rangle_p\;=\;|++\rangle$
    • Using the compact $|++\rangle$ notation, what are the possible spin states of the electron-proton system?

Large white board activities:

  1. Find the matrix representation of the electron spin component operator $S_z$.
  2. Find the matrix representation of the proton spin component operator $I_z$.

Activity: Student Conversations

Activity: Wrap-up

Small whiteboard questions: Walk around the room as students are answering this question and pick up an example of each different representation or statement. Prop them on the chalkboard tray and give whatever review “lecture” you would normally give. You can add in any extra representations that the students haven't mentioned as you go along.

Large whiteboard questions: Facilitate their calculations as required.
