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Evaluating Total Differentials: Instructor's Guide

Main Ideas

Students' Task

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

In groups, students are asked to find the total differential of various functions, example below, to gain practice with taking and interpreting total differentials.

Example function: $U(x,y)=-\frac{L^2 U_0}{L^2+x^2+y^2}$ where $L$ and $U_0$ are constants.

Prerequisite Knowledge


Activity: Introduction

Activity: Student Conversations

Students sometimes:

Activity: Wrap-up

Once the class has had a few minutes find the total differentials of the given functions, go through the given functions one by one, openly asking (to the class) a group to report their result. Once a group reports their result, ask (to the class) the other groups if they got the same solution. If there are other solutions, ask for groups to justify their solution. If this does not result in a unanimous agreement upon a correct answer, take the total differential of the function in question on the whiteboard before moving on to the next function.
