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Radial Wavefunctions: Instructor's Guide

Main Ideas

Students' Task

Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Students use Maple to define and plot the radial wave-functions for values of $n$ and $l$ that they choose.

Prerequisite Knowledge


Activity: Introduction

This activity follows easily from the derivation of the radial part of the solution to the hydrogen atom. It is useful to frame students exploration by asking them to investigate how the shape of the radial part of the probability distribution depends on the quantum numbers n and l.

Activity: Student Conversations

Students are sometimes confused by the labeling of the Laguerre polynomials. In particular, it is helpful to clarify that $L^q_p$ is the Associated Laguerre polynomial with the labels p and q, not $L_p$ to the qth power.

It is useful to help students focus their exploration by encouraging them to vary one parameter at a time and try to draw conclusions based on this.

Students generally are able to conclude that as n is increased with l fixed, the number of “bumps” in the graph increases. They should also recognize that as l is increased, the number of “bumps” decreases.

One common student question that leads to good conversation is, “How can the particle have non-zero energy when it has zero angular momentum?”

Activity: Wrap-up

Below are some questions that stimulate good wrap-up discussion for this activity.

We make it a point to bring up the following points during the wrap-up if they are not brought up by students.