===== Paradigms Textbooks =====

Here are some texts we have authored.  These books are available for individual and classroom use, but the copyright remains with the authors.

  * [[.:QuantumBook:start|Quantum Mechanics: A Paradigms Approach]]----an upper-division quantum text that follows the Paradigms approach.  This //spins-first//, //multiple-representations// textbook was published by Pearson Addison-Wesley in January 2012.

  * [[bb>start|The Geometry of Vector Calculus]]----this online draft text covers content for a traditional lower-division course on vector calculus and also for early upper-division E&M.  It features multiple TABLES OF CONTENTS for different courses.  You may freely link your own course syllabus to any (or all) of the pages of this text.

  * [[.:relbook:|The Geometry of Special Relativity]]----this online book is an introduction to special relativity emphasizing the role of hyperbolic triangle trigonometry and geometric reasoning.

  * [[.:ThermoBook:start|Thermal Physics: Concepts and Practice]]----this novel textbook takes a modern view of the origins and practice of thermodynamics and statistical physics.  It was published by Cambridge University Press, 30 December 2011.