{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} %% Instructions: %% 1. Replace "The Question" with the question. %% 2. Change smswzzz everywhere (2x) to the basename of this file. %% 3. Upload the PDF and PPT versions of the question. %% (Make sure to use the same basename.) %% 4. Change xx in the 2-letter acronym in the course footer to reference %% the correct course. %% 5. Delete these instructions when done! ====== Drawing Functions of Several Variables ====== ===== The Prompt ===== **Given that** $x=x(u,v)=u$ **and** $y=y(u,v)=\frac{1}{2}u+3v,$ **draw lines of u equals constant and v equals constant.** ===== Context ===== Use this [[strategy:smallwhiteboard:|SWBQ]] as a preliminary to a discussion about the fact that it matters what you are holding constant in a partial derivative. ===== Wrap Up ===== Ask students to discuss the difference between the two partial derivatives: $$\left(\frac{df}{dx}\right)_y \qquad\qquad \left(\frac{df}{dx}\right)_u$$ They should be able to discuss these two derivatives in terms of their graph from the SWBQ. {{swbq:insw:inswconstant.ppt|Powerpoint slide}} \\\\ {{swbq:insw:inswconstant.pdf|PDF slide}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:infooter}} {{page>wiki:footers:topics:mmfooter}}