{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ====== Vector Representations ====== ===== Prompt ===== ** "Write down a representation of a 2D vector." ** ===== Context ===== This [[strategy:smallwhiteboard:|SWBQ]] is intended to refresh students' memories of the varying representations of vectors seen throughout undergraduate math and physics courses. Further, this SWBQ segues well into an introductory discussion of Bra-Ket notation. ===== Wrap Up ===== Make sure that both the component representation $$ \vec{v} = x\hat{x} + y\hat{y}$$ and the column (or row) representation $$\vec{v} = \begin{pmatrix} x\\y \end{pmatrix}$$ are mentioned if no students offer them as a response.\\\\ %%FIXME: might not want this info here This can be a great opportunity to introduce the ``representation'' operator $\dot{=}$ to indicate that two equated vectors are not equal, but that one is a representation of the other in a different basis. Students can then be introduced to equations such as $$\vec{v} \,\dot{=} \begin{pmatrix} v_x\\v_y \end{pmatrix}\, ,$$ which implies that the vector $\vec{v}$ components $v_x$ and $v_y$ in the $x$ and $y$ basis, respectively. {{swbq>prswvectorreps.ppt|Powerpoint slide}} \\\\ {{swbq>prswvectprreps.pdf|PDF slide}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:prfooter}} {{page>wiki:footers:topics:lafooter}}