{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} %% Instructions: %% 1. Replace "The Question" with the question. %% 2. Change qmswzzz everywhere (2x) to the basename of this file. %% 3. Upload the PDF and PPT versions of the question. %% (Make sure to use the same basename.) %% 4. Change xx in the 2-letter acronym in the course footer to reference %% the correct course. %% 5. Delete these instructions when done! {{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} %% Instructions: %% 1. Replace "The Question" with the question(s). %% 2. Change spswzzz everywhere (2x) to the basename of this file. %% 3. Upload the PDF and PPT versions of the question. %% (Make sure to use the same basename.) ====== Factoring Overall Phases ====== ===== The Prompt ===== **Given** $$ \vert \psi(t)\rangle=c_{1}(0)e^{\frac{-iE_{1}t}{\hbar}}\vert E_{1}\rangle+c_{2}(0)e^{\frac{-iE_{2}t}{\hbar}}\vert E_{2}\rangle \, , $$ **factor out an overall phase of** $e^{\frac{-iE_{1}t}{\hbar}}$ **from the quantum state.** ===== Context ===== Previously, students have been shown that relative phases are the important phases in the context of time-independent systems. For this activity, students will factor out an overall phase from a time-dependent expression and find that, even if the overall phase is time-dependent, the overall phase does not matter probabilistically. ===== Wrap Up ===== This [[strategy:smallwhiteboard:|SWBQ]] ...\\\\ {{swbq:spsw:spswoverallphase.ppt|Powerpoint slide}} \\\\ {{swbq:spsw:spswoverallphase.pdf|PDF slide}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:spfooter}} {{page>wiki:footers:topics:qmfooter}}