{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ==== Unit: Potentials from Discrete Sources ==== [[http://www.math.hmc.edu/calculus/tutorials/|Some nice review tutorials from Harvey Mudd College]] === Potentials === * [[..:prereq:sypre:syprepotential|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:physics:intro|Idealizations and Symmetries]] * Reading: GEM (ss) ix-xv * Introduction * [[swbq:emsw:vfswpointpot|Electric Potential]] (SWBQ: 10 min) %% * Write down the electrostatic potential due to a point charge. %% * Write down the gravitational potential due to the earth. * [[..:lecture:sylec:fields|Fields concept]] (Lecture: ?? min) * [[..:hw:syhw:syhwpotential|Homework]] === Superposition === // This section can follow "The Distance Between Two Points"// * [[..:prereq:sypre:sypresuperposition|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:physics:superposition|Superposition]],[[bb>book:physics:drawquadrupole|Visualization of Potentials]]--[[bb>book:physics:drawquadrupolehint|More Visualization of Potentials]],[[bb>book:physics:visv|Using Technology to Visualize Potentials]]--[[bb>book:physics:visvhint|More Using Technology to Visualize Potentials]] * [[..:lecture:sylec:superposition|Superposition]] (Lecture: ?? min) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfdrawquadrupole|Drawing Equipotential Surfaces Due to a Quadrupole]] (SGA: 45 min) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfvisv|Visualizing Electrostatic Potentials]] (Maple/Mathematica: 20 min) * [[http://phet.colorado.edu/sims/charges-and-fields/charges-and-fields_en.html|Play with the PHET simulation ]] * [[..:hw:syhw:syhwsuperposition|Homework]] === The Distance Between Two Points === * [[..:prereq:sypre:sypredistance|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:math:vectors|Vectors]],[[bb>book:math:dot|Dot products]],[[bb>book:physics:position|The Distance Between Two Objects]] * Reading: GEM (ss) 1.1.1-1.1.2, 1.1.4 * [[swbq:vcsw:vfswdotdef|Dot product review]] (SWBQ: 15 min) %% * Write down something you know about the dot product. * [[..:lecture:sylec:magnitudes|Magnitudes of vectors]] (Lecture: 5 min) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfstartrek|The Distance Between Two Points: Star Trek]] (Kinesthetic Activity: 20-30 min) * [[..:hw:syhw:syhwdistance|Homework]] === Two Charges (without Power Series) === * [[..:prereq:sypre:sypre2points|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:physics:vpoints2|Dipoles]]--[[bb>book:physics:vpointshint2|More Dipoles]] * [[..:activities:vfact:vfvpoints2|Electrostatic Potential Due to Two Point Charges (part 1)]] * [[..:hw:syhw:syhw2points|Homework]] ==== Unit: Power Series Approximations ==== === Power Series Basics === * [[..:prereq:sypre:syprepowerseries|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:math:series|Power Series]]--[[bb>book:math:seriesthms|Properties of Power Series]] * [[..:lecture:sylec:series|Power Series]] (Lecture: 15 min) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfpowerseriescoeff|Calculating Coefficients for a Power Series]] (SGA) //30 min// * [[..:activities:vfact:vfpowerapprox|Approximating Functions with a Power Series]] (Maple/Mathematica) //30 min// * [[..:lecture:sylec:seriesprop|Properties of Power Series]] (Lecture: 15 min) * [[..:hw:syhw:syhwpowerseries|Homework]] === Two Charges with Power Series === * [[..:prereq:sypre:sypre2points|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:physics:vpoints|Dipoles]]--[[bb>book:physics:vpointshint|More Dipoles]] * [[..:activities:vfact:vfvpoints|Electrostatic Potential Due to Two Point Charges (part 2)]] * [[..:hw:syhw:syhw2points|Homework]] ==== Unit: Continuous Charge Distributions ==== === dr(vector) === * [[..:prereq:sypre:sypredrvector|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:math:coords|Curvilinear Coordinates]]--[[bb>book:math:drcoordhint|Coordinate Expressions]],[[bb>book:math:lineints|Scalar Line Integrals]] * Reading: GEM (ss) 1.4 * [[..:lecture:sylec:curv|Curvilinear Coordinates]] (lecture) * [[..:lecture:sylec:lineint|Scalar Line Integral]] (lecture) * [[..:hw:syhw:syhwdrvector|Homework]] === Integrating Charge Densities === * [[..:prereq:sypre:syprechargedensity|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Reading: GVC (ss)[[bb>book:physics:totalcharge|Total Charge of a Shell]]--[[bb>book:physics:totalchargehint|More Total Charge of a Shell]],[[bb>book:physics:chargecube|Total Charge of a Cube]]--[[bb>book:physics:chargecubehint|More Total Charge of a Cube]] * Reading: GEM (ss) 1.1.2, 1.1.4, 1.3.1, 2.1.4 * [[..:activities:vfact:vfchargedensity|Acting Out Charge Densities]] (kinesthetic) * [[:swbq:vcsw:vfswcrossdef|Defining the Cross Product]] (SWBQ) * Cross products and scalar triple products (lecture) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfdadvcurvi|Integrating in Curvilinear Coordinates: Finding dA and dV]](SGA) * [[..:activities:vfact:vftotalcharge|Total Charge]] (SGA) * [[..:hw:syhw:syhwchargedensity|Homework]] ==== Unit: Potentials Due to Continuous Distributions ==== === Calculating Potentials === * [[..:prereq:sypre:syprepotentialcont|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:physics:potentialint|Potentials from Continuous Charge Distributions]]--[[bb>book:physics:vlineinf|Potential Due to an Infinite Line of Charge]] * [[..:activities:vfact:vfvring|Electrostatic potential due to a ring of charge]] (SGA) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfvring|Series expansion of potential due to a ring of charge ]] (Extension of previous SGA) * Potential due to a finite line (lecture) * Potential due to infinite line (lecture) (This is a longish lecture and a bit more sophisticated than much of the other material. It is an excellent opportunity to do lots of series expansions and review logarithm rules. Alternatively, it can be left out to save time.) * [[..:hw:syhw:syhwpotentialcont|Homework]] ==== Unit: The Electric Field as a Gradient ==== === Derivatives of Scalar Fields === * [[..:prereq:sypre:sypregradient|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Reading: GEM (ss) 1.2.2 * Partial Derivatives (lecture) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfbasisvectors|Curvilinear Basis Vectors ]](kinesthetic) * [[..:lecture:sylec:drintro|Introducing $d\Vec{r}$]] (lecture) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfdrvectorcurvi|Vector Differential]] (SGA) * Gradient (lecture) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfhillnav|Navigating a Hill]] (SGA) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfactinggrad|Acting Out the Gradient]] (SGA) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfgradient|Visualizing Gradient]] (Maple/Mathematica) * directional derivatives (lecture) (Optional) * [[..:hw:syhw:syhwgradient|Homework]] === Electric Field === * [[..:prereq:sypre:sypreefield|Prerequisite Ideas]] * Electric Field - as gradient of the potential (lecture) * [[..:hw:syhw:syhwefield|Homework]] ==== Unit: Superposition of Electric Fields ==== * [[..:activities:vfact:vfdrawfield|Drawing Electric Field Vectors]] * [[..:activities:vfact:vfering|Electric Field Due to a Ring of Charge]] (SGA) ==== Unit: Electrostatic Energy ==== //This unit could also be effectively placed in several locations in [[vforder|Paradigm: Vector Fields]].// * [[..:prereq:sypre:sypreeenergy|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:activities:vfact:vfveuf|Concept Map: VEUF]] (SGA) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfemenergy|Electrostatic Energy]] (kinesthetic) * Vector line integrals (lecture) * [[..:activities:vfact:vfmurdermm|Finding Potentials from Fields - The Murder Mystery Method]] * [[..:hw:syhw:syhweenergy|Homework]]