{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ==== Unit: First & Second Laws of Thermodynamics==== === Heat and Temperature (40 minutes) === * [[..:prereq:eepre:eepreheatandtemp|Prerequisite Ideas:]] * [[..:activities:eeact:eeice|Ice calorimetry lab]] (Integrated Laboratory, 30 minutes) * [[swbq:smsw:eeswthermoterms|Comparing Thermodynamic Properties]] (SWBQs, 15 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecdulongpetit|Dulong-Petit Law]] (Lecture, 5 minutes) * [[..:hw:eehw:eehwheattemp|Homework]] === Introducing the First & Second Thermodynamic Laws (2 hours 55 minutes) === * [[..:prereq:eepre:eepre1st2ndlaws|Prerequisite Ideas]] %% * [[..:activities:eeact:eepretest|Thermodynamic pre-test]] (Activity, 10 minutes) (CUT) %% Taken care of. * [[..:activities:eeact:eecompsyssurr|Comparing Systems and Surroundings]] (Small Groups, 10 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecfirstlaw|The First Thermodynamic Law]] (Lecture, 10 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecrubberbandstretch|Snapping a Rubber Band]] (SWBQ and Lecture, 15 minutes) * [[swbq:eesw:eeswhotmetalcoolcup|Hot Metal in Room Temperature Water]] (SWBQ, 3 minutes) (sometimes? could be skipped) %% Needs creating. * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecsecondlaw|The Second Thermodynamic Law]] (Lecture, 5 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecthermoterms|Thermodynamic Terminology (Thermodynaic Potentials)]] (Lecture, 7 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecthermoidentity|The Thermodynamic Identity]] (Lecture, 5 minutes) * [[..:activities:eeact:eenametheexperiment|Name the experiment]] (Activity, 25 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecheatcapacity|Heat Capacity]] (Lecture, 10 minutes) * [[..:activities:eeact:eemeltingice|Second ice calorimetry lab]] (Integrated Laboratory, 45 minutes) * [[..:hw:eehw:eehw1st2ndlaws|Homework]] === Heat and Work (3 hours 40 minutes) === * [[..:prereq:eepre:eepreheatwork|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:activities:eeact:eefree_expansion|Free expansion quiz and discussion]] (Activity, 40 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecthermowork|Work in Thermodynamics]] (Lecture, 5 minutes) * [[..:activities:eeact:eepvplots|Using $pV$ and $TS$ Plots]] (Small groups, 35 minutes) * [[..:activities:eeact:eesimplecycle|Analyzing a Simple Cycle using a $pV$ Curve]] (Small groups, 65 minutes) * [[..:activities:eeact:eenametheexperiment2|Name the Experiment: Changing Entropy]] (Small groups, 15 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecCarnoteff|Deriving the Carnot Efficiency]] (Lecture, 30 minutes) * [[..:hw:eehw:eehwheatwork|Homework]] ==== Unit: Internal Energy ==== === Maxwell Relations (1 hour 35 minutes) === * [[..:prereq:eepre:eepremaxwell|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecmonotonicity|Monotonicity and State Functions]] (Lecture, 10 minutes) (CUT???) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecmaxwelllegendre|Legendre Transforms]] (Lecture, 5 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecmaxwellrel|Maxwell Relations]] (Lecture, 10 minutes) * [[..:activities:eeact:eethermopartials|Seeking the right Maxwell Relation]] (Small groups, 20 minutes) * [[..:activities:eeact:eenametheexperiment3|Name the Experiment: Maxwell Relations]] (Small groups, 20 minutes) * [[..:activities:eeact:eenametheexperiment4|Name the (often skipped)Experiment: More Maxwell Relations]] (Small groups, 30 minutes) (Join with previous one, unify with paper) %% Done, 4 can be deleted at any time. === Rubber Band Lab () === * [[..:prereq:eepre:eeprerubberband|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:activities:eeact:eerubberband|Rubber band lab]] (Integrated Laboratory, 1 hour 50 minutes) * [[..:hw:eehw:eehwrubberband|Homework]] ===Simple Cycles & Analyzing Thermodynamic Processes ()=== * [[..:prereq:eepre:eepresimplecycle|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:activities:eeact:eesomeneverall|Always, Sometimes, or Never True]] (Small groups, 60 minutes) (could be skipped?) %% Where to include information? * [[..:hw:eehw:eehwsimplecycle|Homework]] === Black Body Thermodynamics (30 minutes) === * [[..:prereq:eepre:eeprebbthermo|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:activities:eeact:eebbobjects|Two Interacting Black Body Objects]] (Small groups, 30 minutes) (often skipped) %% See above * [[..:hw:eehw:eehwbbthermo|Homework]] ==== Unit: Statistical Mechanics ==== === The Statistical Approach ()=== * [[..:prereq:eepre:eeprestatapp|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecstatthermocompare|Comparing Statistical Mechanics to Thermodynamics]] (Lecture, 5 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecfairnessfunc|The Fairness Function]] (Lecture, 10 minutes) * [[..:activities:eeact:eecombineprob|Combining Probabilities]] (Small Groups, 20 minutes) * [[..:hw:eehw:eehwstatapp|Homework]] ===Optimizing the Fairness ()=== * [[..:prereq:eepre:eeprefairness|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:activities:eeact:eedicelab|Students as molecules dice activity]] (Kinesthetic, 25 minutes) (can be skipped, hard to manage, add FIXME for getting energy constraints and microcanonical ensembles, could split?) * [[swbq:eesw:eeswmaximizefunc|Maximizing a Function]] (SWBQ, 5 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eeleclagrangemultip|Method of Lagrange Multipliers]] (Lecture, 10 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecweightedavg|Weighted Averages]] (Lecture, 10 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecenergyconstraint|Energy Constraints]] (Lecture, ?? minutes) * [[swbq:eesw:eeswnonintsys|Two Non-interacting Systems]] (SWBQs, 15 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecpartitionfunc|The Partition Function]] (Lecture, 10 minutes) * [[..:hw:eehw:eehwfairness|Homework]] ===Moving from Statistics to Thermodynamics ()=== * [[..:prereq:eepre:eeprestatthermo|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecfairent|Fairness and Entropy]] (Lecture, 5 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecfairintenergy|Relating the Internal Energy and Fairness]] (Lecture, 15 minutes) * [[..:hw:eehw:eehwstatthermo|Homework]] === Internal Energy of a Diatomic Gas (2 hours 10 minutes) === * [[..:prereq:eepre:eeprediagas|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecrevieweneigenv|Reviewing Several Energy Eigenvalues]] (Lecture, 10 minutes) * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelecdiaidealgas|Internal Energy of a Diatomic Ideal Gas]] (Lecture, 20 minutes) * [[..:activities:eeact:eeudiatomicidealgas|Calculating the Internal Energy of a Diatomic Ideal Gas]] (Small groups, 100 minutes) * [[..:hw:eehw:eehwdiagas|Homework]] === The Third Thermodynamic Law (20 minutes) === * [[..:prereq:eepre:ee3rdthermolaw|Prerequisite Ideas]] * [[..:lecture:eelec:eelec3rdthermolaw|Third Law of Thermodynamics]] (Lecture, 20 minutes) (optional) * [[..:hw:eehw:eehw3rdthermolaw|Homework]]