{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ====== Two Point Charges ====== {{page>courses:prereq20:sypre:sypre2points}} * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:physics:vpoints2|Dipoles]]--[[bb>book:physics:vpointshint2|More Dipoles]] ===== In-class Content ===== * [[..:..:activities:vfact:vfvpoints2|Electrostatic Potential Due to Two Point Charges (part 1)]] * [[..:..:activities:vfact:vfvpoints|Electrostatic Potential Due to Two Point Charges (part 2)]] (SGA - 80 min) * If there is time, a brief introduction about the transition to the continuous case ($\approx$10 min): * SWBQ: How would you find the potential due to a //line// of charge? * Show the sheet with all four integrals for V, E, A, and B. {{page>courses:hw20:syhw:syhw2points}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:vfhourfooter}}