{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ====== Integrating Charge Densities ====== {{page>courses:prereq20:sypre:syprechargedensity}} * Reading: GVC (ss)[[bb>book:physics:totalcharge|Total Charge of a Shell]]--[[bb>book:physics:totalchargehint|More Total Charge of a Shell]],[[bb>book:physics:chargecube|Total Charge of a Cube]]--[[bb>book:physics:chargecubehint|More Total Charge of a Cube]] * Reading: GEM (ss) 1.1.2, 1.1.4, 1.3.1, 2.1.4 ===== In-class Content ===== * [[:swbq:vcsw:vfswcrossdef|Defining the Cross Product]] (SWBQ - 10 min) * [[..:..:lecture:vflec:vfcrosstriple|Cross products and scalar triple products]] (lec - 20 min) * [[..:..:activities:vfact:vfdadvcurvi|Integrating in Curvilinear Coordinates: Finding dA and dV]] (SGA - 20 min) * [[..:..:activities:vfact:vftotalcharge|Total Charge]] (SGA - 30 min) * [[..:..:activities:vfact:vfchargedensity|Acting Out Charge Densities]] (kinesthetic - 10 min) {{page>courses:hw20:syhw:syhwchargedensity}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:vfhourfooter}}