{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ====== Flux ====== {{page>courses:prereq20:vfpre:vfpreflux}} * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:math:flux|Flux]]--[[bb>book:physics:cubehint|More Flux through a Cube]] ===== In-class Content ===== * [[swbq:vcsw:vfswflux|Recall Flux]] (SWBQ - 5 min) * [[..:..:activities:vfact:vffluxconcept|The Concept of Flux]] (Kinesthetic Activity - 5 min) * [[..:..:activities:vfact:vffluxcalculation|Calculating Flux]] (Small Group Activity - 30 min) (Optional) * [[..:..:activities:vfact:vffluxem|Visualizing Electric Flux]] (Maple - 20 min) - plots electric field vectors from a charge in a box and calculates the flux through the surfaces of the box. Leads to a statement of Gauss' law. {{page>courses:hw20:vfhw:vfhwflux}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:vfhourfooter}}