{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ====== Math Bits - Change of Variables ====== {{page>courses:prereq20:cfpre:cfmbprecov}} ===== In-class Content ===== * [[swbq:mmsw:cfindependentvariable|Change the Independent Variable]] (SWBQ: 15 min) (This was kind of more like a SGA.) * [[swbq:mmsw:cfdependentvariable|Change the Dependent Variable]] (SWBQ: 10 min) (We skipped this in 2017 for time.) ===== Additional Content ===== * Reading/Lecture: FIXME [[http://physics.oregonstate.edu/coursewikis/LinAlgBook/book/linalg/ch9|QMSHO]] (Lecture: 25 min) * [[..:..:activities:cfact:cfmbhermiteone|A Hermite Polynomial]] (SGA) //20 min// ===== Student performance ===== Here are some notes regarding students' performance on the quiz in 2018, which covered change of variables (from Karan, who graded the quiz): - Since, Weihong mentioned in class that second derivative is not the Square of the first derivative, there were only 2 students who did that. - There were still a majority (~8-9) students who zapped the equation TWICE to get d^2 operator. - Then there were some students (~4-5) who tried using chain rule and messed up on the second derivative. - Students who were correctly able to change the first and second derivatives ran out of time/ made algebra mistakes. For those students, I didn't take any points off. {{page>courses:hw20:cfhw:cfhwmbcov}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:cfhourfooter}}