{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ===== Energy eigenvalues and eigenstates (Lecture, 60 minutes) ===== {{courses:lecture:splec:spins_unit_schrodinger_time_evolution.ppt}} Pages 6-11 * Start with the activity to get them working with simple time-dependent calculations * Discuss meaning of stationary states * Have students do short whiteboard activity for calculating the probability of finding a state at time t for a simple 2 level system * Emphasize what is special about starting in an eigenstate vs. a mixed state * Relate this to using a different operator: it will only remain a stationary state if that operator commutes with H * Introduce a name for the frequency of the oscillations between 2 states (in a 2 state system): Bohr frequency * By analog, discuss stationary states vs. oscillatory states in a continuous system - I used the square well from the PhET simulation to have students make meaning of what they were observing based on the 2 level system ideas: [[http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/bound-states]] {{page>wiki:footers:courses:spfooter}}