
===== 2-d Relative Time Derivatives =====

(Lecture: 30 minutes)

    * Recover modified second law
    * Coriolis and centrifugal acceleration

[[.:rflec2d|Lecture notes]] ([[.:rflec2drot|alternate derivation]])

==== Reflections ====

This lecture consists largely of a mathematical derivation of the modified
second law, and the identification of the Coriolis and centrifugal
accelerations.  How much detail to present will depend on the students' (and
instructor's) comfort with this style of derivation.

Some of the students may have seen a special case of this computation when
studying orbital mechanics in the Central Forces Paradigms.

One possible path through this material is to start directly with the
difference between "naive" and "true" time derivatives, emphasizing the cross
product with the angular velocity from the beginning.  The derivative formulas
for the rotating basis vectors can even be quoted without proof, referring
students to the lecture notes for the derivation.  The instructor will need to
balance a desire to provide a self-contained presentation with the difficulty
of engaging the students in the detailed derivation.

The instructor should take care to adequately motivate the mathematical
