{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} Homework problems can be found in the back of the first chapter in the textbook: {{texts:quantumbook:qmch1.pdf|}} Any problem at the end of chapter 1 is suitable for this section. See especially: - (Orthogonal: 1.1)\textit{This problem requires that students understand what it means for two 2-dimensional vectors to be orthogonal to each other. It also requires them to know how to normalize complex vectors.}{{page>homework:ph425questions:orthogonal}} - {{page>homework:ph425questions:orthogonala}} - {{page>homework:ph425questions:orthogonalb}} - (Histogram: 1.5)\textit{This is the generic problem about quantum states: given a state, find the possible results of the measurement and the probabilities.}{{page>homework:ph425questions:histogram}} - {{page>homework:ph425questions:histograma}} - {{page>homework:ph425questions:histogramb}} - {{page>homework:ph425questions:histogramb}} - (Phase: 1.10)\textit{In this problem, students explore the physical meaning (or lack thereof!) of overall and relative phases in quantum states.}{{page>homework:ph425questions:phase}} - {{page>homework:ph425questions:phasea}} - {{page>homework:ph425questions:phaseb}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:spfooter}}