===== Reference Frames =====

==== Course Overview ====

Individual observers describe physics using physical quantities defined with
respect to their own reference frame, such as the relative velocity of an
object (compared to that of the observer).  Yet the physics itself is
independent of the reference frame used to describe it.  This key idea already
had a substantial impact on Newtonian physics, but its most famous consequence
is that it leads to Einstein's theory of special relativity.  This course
considers both of these aspects.

After a brief review of inertial frames in Newtonian physics, physics on a
rotating Earth is described in terms of apparent centrifugal and Coriolis
forces due to the use of rotating reference frames.  The heart of the course
is to then extend the use of multiple frames of reference from the Newtonian
framework to Einstein's special theory of relativity.  After first contrasting
Galilean and Lorentz transformations, the underlying geometric ideas are
emphasized and used to resolve the standard paradoxes.  Finally, the beautiful
unification of electricity and magnetism provided by special relativity is

==== Course Goals ====

  * For students to master **the use of multiple reference frames to analyze
    problems** in both Newtonian mechanics and special relativity.
  * For students to understand that **physics is independent of the reference
    frame** used to analyze such problems.
  * For students to develop **conceptual and geometric understanding of the
    effects of the Earth's rotation** in Newtonian mechanics.
  * For students to develop **conceptual and geometric understanding of the
    unification of space and time** given by special relativity.
  * For students to develop **conceptual and geometric understanding of the
    unification of energy and momentum** given by special relativity.
  * For students to develop **familiarity with the unification of electricity
    and magnetism** given by special relativity.

==== Sample Syllabi ====

  * [[http://www.physics.oregonstate.edu/~minote/COURSES/ph429/doku.php|
	Course Homepage Spring 2008]]
  * [[http://www.physics.oregonstate.edu/~tevian/COURSES/ph429/2010|
	Course Homepage Spring 2010]] (Coriolis first)
  * [[http://www.physics.oregonstate.edu/~tevian/COURSES/ph429/2011|
	Course Homepage Spring 2011]] (SR first)

===== Course Contents =====


==== Activities Included ====

  * [[activities:courses:rfindex|All activities]] for Reference Frames
    * [[topic:rotating|Rotating Frames activities]]
    * [[topic:relativity|Special Relativity activities]]
  * [[swbq:courses:rfindex|All small whiteboard questions]] for Reference Frames\\\\ //(What are [[strategy:smallwhiteboard:|SWBQs]]?)//