{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ====== Math Bits - Legendre Polynomials ====== {{page>courses:prereq20:cfpre:cfmbprelegpoly}} ===== In-class Content ===== * [[..:..:activities:cfact:cfguessleg|Guessing the Legendre Polynomial Expansion of a Function]] (Optional Maple Activity, 10-15 minutes) * [[..:..:lecture:cflec:cfleclegprops|Legendre Polynomial Properties]] (Lecture, 10 minutes) * [[..:..:lecture:cflec:cfleclegseries|Legendre Series]] (Lecture, 20 minutes) * [[..:..:activities:cfact:cflegseries|Legendre Polynomial Series Coefficients]] (Maple Activity, 10-15 minutes) ===== Ideas for new in-class activities ===== * FIXME[[|Legendre Integrals]] (SGA - 20 min) * An activity in parallel with the Harmonic Integrals activity from Waves and Oscillators - we did not have time to design or run such an activity. {{page>courses:hw20:cfhw:cfhwmblegpoly}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:cfhourfooter}}