{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ===== Homework for Static Fields ===== - (TrigParameters--Practice) \textit{This is a simple practice problem that can be used as preparation for the next problem--Thetaparameters.}{{page>homework:ph320422questions:trigparameters}} - (ThetaParameters) \textit{Graph various versions of the theta function to explore how different parameters of the function affect the shape of the graph.}{{page>homework:ph320422questions:thetaparameters}} - (TriangleParameters) \textit{Graph various versions of the triangle function (written with theta functions) to explore how different parameters of the function affect the shape of the graph.}{{page>homework:ph320422questions:triangleparameters}} - (Delta) \textit{Examine a linear charge density written so as to contain delta functions and calculate the total charge.}{{page>homework:ph320422questions:delta}} - {{page>homework:ph320422questions:deltaa}} - {{page>homework:ph320422questions:deltab}} - (SlabMass) \textit{Find the total mass of several different slabs where the mass density is written in with theta or delta functions. Compare the different solutions to get a physical feel for the meaning of theta and delta functions.}{{page>homework:ph320422questions:slabmass}} - {{page>homework:ph320422questions:slabmassa}} - {{page>homework:ph320422questions:slabmassb}} - {{page>homework:ph320422questions:slabmassc}} - {{page>homework:ph320422questions:slabmassd}} - {{page>homework:ph320422questions:slabmasse}} - {{page>homework:ph320422questions:slabmassf}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:vffooter}}