===== Static Vector Fields ===== The Static Vector Field Paradigm continues the discussion of E&M from the Symmetries & Idealizations Paradigm, focusing on electric fields, magnetic fields, and the magnetic vector potential. This course uses a variety of pedagogical techniques (small group activities, computer visualization, kinesthetic activities, and lecture/discussion) to help students build a multifaceted understanding of these ideas. This course emphasizes extending the integral versions of Maxwell's equations (learned in introductory physics) to the local, differential versions; visualizing vector-valued functions in three dimensions using the computer algebra software Maple; and extending the techniques of vector calculus from rectangular to cylindrical and spherical coordinates. ([[..:catalog:vfcat|Catalog Description]]) ==== Course Goals ==== * For students to build **conceptual and geometric understanding of current density, magnetic field, and magnetic vector potential** and a formal understanding of the relationships between them (using vector calculus) * For students to understand **divergence and curl** - formally and geometrically - and the **Divergence Theorem and Stoke's Theorem** formally and geometrically * To derive the **differential form of Maxwell's equations** from the integral form and for students to have link their conceptual understanding with the formalism of Maxwell's equations * For students to understand **Gauss' Law and Ampere's Law** and how to make explicit **symmetry arguments**. * For students to understand the continuity of electric and magnetic fields **across charge/current boundaries**. * For students to understand how **energy** is stored in electric and magnetic fields, and be able to calculate the energy from sources, fields and potentials. * For students to come to understand that **sources, fields, and potentials** are different constructs that address the same phenomena, but are useful in different ways. ** Sample Syllabus ** [[http://www.physics.oregonstate.edu/~corinne/COURSES/ph422/08/08Files|Fall 2008]] **Textbook:** [[bb>start|The Geometry of Vector Calculus]]----an introduction to vector calculus, with applications to electromagnetism. One of the Tables of Contents for this online interactive textbook has been specifically designed for this course. ===== Course Contents ===== {{page>..:order:vforder}} ==== Activities Included ==== * [[activities:courses:vfindex|All activities]] for Static Vector Fields * [[swbq:courses:vfindex|All small whiteboard questions]] for Static Vector Fields\\\\ //(What are [[strategy:smallwhiteboard:|SWBQs]]?)//