Two Coupled Oscillators (30 minutes)

Before beginning this activity, it is recommended that the instructor ask the Single Simple Harmonic Oscillator small whiteboard question. This is useful for reviewing Hooke's Law and how to use the law to find the equations of motion for an oscillating system.

Be sure to define the positive direction of displacement for the problem; this decision will directly influence the proper signs for the equations of motion.

$$Force \, on \, 1 \, = \, m\frac{d^{2}x_{1}}{dt^{2}} \, = \; - \kappa_{1}x_{1} + \kappa_{2} \left( x_{2}-x_{1}\right)$$


$$Force \, on \, 2 \, = \, m\frac{d^{2}x_{2}}{dt^{2}} \, = \; - \kappa_{3}x_{2} - \kappa_{2} \left( x_{2}-x_{1} \right) \; \; . $$

$$x_{1}(t)=Re\left[Ae^{i \omega t} \right]$$


$$x_{2}(t)=Re\left[Be^{i \omega t} \right] \; \; ,$$

where A and B are complex constants that will help correct for any phase differences between the particles.

$$-m\omega^{2}A=-\kappa_{1}A + \kappa_{2}B - \kappa_{2} A $$


$$-m\omega^{2}B=-\kappa_{3}B - \kappa_{2}B + \kappa_{2} A \; \; .$$

$$m\omega^{2}\left[\begin{array}{c} A\\ B\\ \end{array}\right] \; = \; \left[\begin{array}{cc} \left(\kappa_{1}+\kappa_{2}\right) & -\kappa_{2} \\ -\kappa_{2} & \left(\kappa_{2}+\kappa_{3}\right)\\ \end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{c} A\\ B\\ \end{array}\right] \; \; . $$

Now, with our expression in matrix notation, the eigenvalues of the matrix on the right-hand side will directly lead to the solution for the normal mode frequencies. To find the eigenvalues, we perform the operation

$$det\left(A-\lambda I\right) \; = \; \left|\begin{array}{cc} \kappa_{1}+\kappa_{2}- \lambda & -\kappa_{2} \\ -\kappa_{2} & \kappa_{2}+\kappa_{3} - \lambda \\ \end{array}\right| \; \; . $$

$$\left(2\kappa - \lambda\right)^{2} - \kappa^{2}= 0 \; \; , $$ $$2\kappa - \lambda= \pm \, \kappa \; \; , $$ $$\lambda = 2\kappa \; \pm \; \kappa \; \; .$$

Now, each eigenvalue of $\lambda$ must correspond to a particular value for $\omega$ in our original matrix notation. This is expressed mathematically as

$$m\omega^{2}=\kappa \; or \; 3\kappa \; \; .$$

We can see from this expression that our normal mode frequencies are

$$\omega_{-} \, = \, \sqrt{\frac{\kappa}{m}}$$


$$\omega_{+} \, = \, \sqrt{\frac{3\kappa}{m}} \; \; , $$

and by inserting these frequencies into our original linear equations, it can be easily shown that:

$$for \; \omega_{-} \; , \; A=B$$


$$for \; \omega_{+} \; , \; A=-B \; \; . $$

Now, we have the needed information to draw the envelope functions for each normal mode in this system.

Some important observations for each wave function: