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Zeeman Perturbation Matrices in the Coupled Basis: Instructor's Guide

The weak field Zeeman effect requires students to work in the coupled basis, where the fine structure is diagonal, but the Zeeman perturbation is not diagonal. This activity shows students the power of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.

Main Ideas

Students' Task

Estimated Time: 45 minutes

Prerequisite Knowledge


Activity: Introduction

The Zeeman effect occurs when an external magnetic field is applied to an atom. The system we wish to study is the hydrogen atom in the 2p state. To do the Zeeman effect properly, we must include the electron spin, but we can safely neglect the proton spin. For this problem, we assume that the magnetic field is weak (i.e., smaller than the fine structure), meaning that we must include the fine structure in the zeroth-order Hamiltonian and treat the Zeeman effect as a perturbation. The fine structure is diagonal in the coupled basis, while the Zeeman perturbation is diagonal in the uncoupled basis. But we must use the coupled basis, because perturbation theory requires us to use the zeroth-order basis. So we must understand both bases for this problem. (See p. 397 of QM text for further details.)

Activity: Student Conversations

Activity: Wrap-up
