{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ====== Divergence ====== {{page>courses:prereq20:vfpre:vfprediv}} {{page>courses:prereq20:vfpre:vfpredivthm}} {{page>courses:prereq20:vfpre:vfpredifgauss}} * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:math:divergence|Definition of Divergence]]--[[bb>book:math:divcoord|Divergence in Curvlinear Coordinates]],[[bb>book:physics:divact|Visualizing Divergence]]--[[bb>book:physics:divacthint|More Visualizing Divergence]] * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:math:divthm|Divergence Theorem]] * Reading: GVC (ss) [[bb>book:physics:maxwell1|Differential Form of Gauss's Law]]--[[bb>book:physics:lines|Electric Field Lines]] ===== In-class Content ===== * Derivation of the Divergence Theorem (lecture - 15 min). We follow "div, grad, curl and all that", by Schey. The Divergence theorem is almost a lemma based on the definition of divergence. Draw a diagram of an arbitrary volume divided into lots of little cubes. Calculate the sum of all the fluxes out of all the little cubes (isn't this a strange sum to consider!!) and argue that the flux out of one cube is the flux into the adjacent cube unless the cube is on the boundary. * [[..:..:activities:vfact:vfdivergence|Visualizing Divergence]] (Maple Visualization - 30 min) Students practice estimating divergence from graphs of various vector fields. We do this with printouts in dry-erasable sleeves now, with computer follow-up. * Differential Form of Gauss's Law: Maxwell's Eq 1 & 3: $\Vec{\nabla} \cdot \Vec{E} = {\rho \over \epsilon_0}$, $\Vec{\nabla~} \cdot \Vec{B} = 0$ (lecture - 15 min) ===== Optional In-class Content ===== * (//optional//) Divergence of a Coulomb field (//requires delta functions//) (lecture) * (//optional//) Electric field lines (lecture) {{page>courses:hw20:vfhw:vfhwdiv}} {{page>courses:hw20:vfhw:vfhwdivthm}} {{page>courses:hw20:vfhw:vfhwgsslawdiff}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:vfhourfooter}}