{{page>wiki:headers:hheader}} ====== Scattering ====== {{page>courses:prereq20:cfpre:cfprecrosssection}} ===== In-class Content ===== * Note from Mike: I think a lot of discussion of scattering might arise naturally whe students work with the conics and especially the effective potential notebooks in hours 7 and 8. * QUIZ * [[..:..:lecture:cflec:cflecscattering|The Scattering Problem]] (Lecture, XX minutes) * [[..:..:lecture:cflec:cfleccrosssectiongeometry|Geometric Introduction to Cross-Sections]] (Lecture, XX minutes) * [[..:..:activitiess:cfact:cfimpactscatter|Impact Parameters and Scattering Angles]] (Small Group Activity, XX minutes) * [[..:..:lecture:cflec:cflecdiffcrosssections|Differential Scattering Cross-Sections]] (Lecture, XX minutes) * [[..:..:activitiess:cfact:cfhardspherecross|Cross Section of a Hard Sphere Collision]] (Small Group Activity, XX minutes) {{page>courses:hw20:cfhw:cfhwcrosssection}} {{page>wiki:footers:courses:cfhourfooter}}