Portfolios Wiki whitepapers:hostility http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/ 2020-01-26T23:01:50-08:00 Portfolios Wiki http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/ http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/lib/images/favicon.ico text/html 2010-07-13T20:52:39-08:00 whitepapers:hostility:start http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/whitepapers:hostility:start?rev=1279079559 FIXME These are raw notes for an eventual wiki page. Please return later. Enjoy Temporary Hostility This is important to describe because it is such a common experience for instructors who attempt to engage their students in hard thinking. Students resist and can exhibit behavior that can only be interpreted as hostility. Instructors need to know that this is a sign that good thinking is happening for students who are accustomed to being told what to do.