Portfolios Wiki courses:lecture:oslec
2020-01-27T03:50:17-08:00Portfolios Wiki
Complex Representations; Initial conditions revisited (20 minutes)
Notes for representing harmonic motion, including complex numbers:
\[ \hbox{“C-form”}\qquad f\left( t \right)=Ce^{i\omega t}+C^{*}e^{-i\omega t}\]
\[ \hbox{“D-form”}\qquad\qquad f\left( t \right)=\Re\left( De^{i\omega t} \right)\]text/html2012-07-10T18:25:11-08:00courses:lecture:oslec:osleccomplexreview
Review of complex numbers (40 minutes)
Notes for representing harmonic motion, including complex numberstext/html2012-07-05T10:25:08-08:00courses:lecture:oslec:oslecdampedho
Notes on the underdamped harmonic oscillator
The damped harmonic oscillator
Potential energy diagrams: a means to calculate time of travel
[Energy diagram slides/notes]
using mass-on-a spring prop. Discuss features of PE diagram: equilibrium points, kinetic energy and velocity, turning points, $etc$.
The focus of the lecture is calculating travel time, given a velocity, with the harmonic oscillator as an example and variants considered qualitatively. The focus is not the equation of motion of a pendulum. The students know that their next activity will be to measu…text/html2012-07-05T10:21:35-08:00courses:lecture:oslec:oslecfouriercoefflec
Fourier coefficients (xx minutes)
FIXME upload slides/notes
Representing harmonic motion (10 minutes)
Notes on harmonic representations, including complex numbers
[Notes] on Newton's law for SHO.
Simple harmonic motion from Newton's law
Lecture (40 minutes)
[lecture notes]
Use this lecture as a time for students to connect their lab measurements to the derivation of the response of the series LCR circuit to a sinusoidal driving force. Introduce phasor notation (only the word “phasor” is new - the Argand representation is not). Introduce the words admittance and impedance to describe the response. Consider impedance and addmittance as complex quantities that contain information about amplitude and phase. Discuss resonanc…text/html2015-06-19T13:28:45-08:00courses:lecture:oslec:oslectopic3
Lecture: Response of a circuit to a sinusoidal driving force (30 minutes)
[lecture notes]
This discussion adds a sinusoidal driving force to the restoring force and the resistive force present in a series RLC circuit. Rather than discuss the rigorous mathematics (homogeneous equation, particular solutions, etc.), a choice is made to propose a sinusoidal solution with the frequency of the driving force. Make physical arguments about why this is reasonable after a time scale long compared with…