Portfolios Wiki whitepapers:change:gettingstarted http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/ 2020-01-26T23:04:20-08:00 Portfolios Wiki http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/ http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/lib/images/favicon.ico text/html 2013-02-09T16:21:45-08:00 whitepapers:change:gettingstarted:start http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/whitepapers:change:gettingstarted:start?rev=1360455705 Getting Started with Active Engagement by Corinne Manogue Signalling that this is not a traditional class When teaching, if you launch into a long explanation about something with which the students have no experience, they will rapidly get lost in the details. They have no context to help them figure out what you might mean by the unfamiliar words you use and no framework to help them decide which details to attend to and which to ignore. The same is true with pedagogical strategies. Don…