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Quantum Postulates

Keywords: small whiteboard activity, notation, representations, sense-making


Highlights of the activity

  1. Show the 6 postulates
  2. ask students to state something on their small white boards that they can deduce about any one of the first 5 postulates
  3. example student responses: $\vert+\rangle$ is a ket, $H$ is an operator, $\langle+\vert\psi \rangle$ is some kind of calculation, $\vert\psi \rangle$ must be a state
  4. Most students could easily write something down

Reasons to spend class time on the activity

The reason for this activity is to get the students sense-making about the symbols from the context. We want them to feel that the course material is concrete and that the symbols we use hold meaning even from day one. We also want them to start feeling comfortable with the terminology and using it from day one. This also sets the stage for repeatedly showing the 6 postulates repeatedly through the course, both as a guide for what we have learned so far and where we're going within the course, and also as a chance to have them state deeper understanding about each postulate as the course progresses.


Instructor's Guide


Authors: Dedra Demaree
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