===== From Fear to Fun in Thermodynamics: =====

==== Multiple Research Perspectives for Assessing Learning during a Curricular Sequence ====

//David Roundy, Tevian Dray, Mary Bridget Kustusch, Emily van Zee, and Corinne Manogue//

  * [[http://www.compadre.org/per/conferences/2013|Conference website]]
  * [[http://www.per-central.org/perc/2013/detail.cfm?ID=5169|Abstract]]
  * {{workshops:perc13:paper.pdf|Workshop Paper}}

=== Ice Lab ===

  * Workshop Handout:
    * {{workshops:perc13:icelab.pdf|Ice Lab Handout}}
  * Activities:
    * [[courses:activities:eeact:eeice|Ice Calorimetry Lab]]

=== Rubber Band Lab ===

  * Workshop Handout:
    * {{workshops:perc13:rubberband.pdf|Thermodynamics of a Rubber Band Handout}}
  * Activities:
    * [[courses:activities:eeact:eerubberband|Rubber Band Lab]]
  * Publication:
    * David Roundy, Michael Rogers, //Exploring the Thermodynamics of a Rubber Band//, American Journal of Physics, **81**, 20--23 (2013) ([[publications:copyright6|Copyright Notice]]) ({{publications:rubberband.pdf|pdf}}) ([[http://ajp.aapt.org/resource/1/ajpias/v81/i1/p20_s1|html]])

=== Name the Experiment ===

  * Workshop Handout:
    * {{workshops:perc13:nameexp.pdf|Name the Experiment Handout}}
  * Activities:  
    * [[courses:activities:eeact:eenametheexperiment|Name the Experiment: Introduction]]
    * [[courses:activities:eeact:eenametheexperiment2|Name the Experiment: Changing Entropy]]
    * [[courses:activities:eeact:eenametheexperiment3|Name the Experiment: Maxwell Relations]]
    * [[courses:activities:eeact:eenametheexperiment4|Name the Experiment: More Maxwell Relations]]
  * Publication:
    * David Roundy, Mary Bridget Kustusch, Corinne A. Manogue, //{{workshops:perc13:nameexperimentsubmitted.pdf|Name the Experiment}}//, American Journal of Physics, (to be published).  
  * Narratives:
    * [[whitepapers:narratives:intro|Name the Experiment: Introduction]]
    * [[whitepapers:narratives:entropy|Name the Experiment: Changing Entropy]]

=== Partial Derivative Machine ===

  * Workshop Handout:
    * {{workshops:perc13:pdm.pdf|The Partial Derivative Machine Handout}}
  * [[whitepapers:pdm:start|Description of the Partial Derivative Machine]]
  * Activities:
    * [[courses:activities:inact:inquantchange|Quantifying Change]]
    * [[courses:activities:inact:inisowidth|Isowidth and Isoforce Stretchability]]
    * [[courses:activities:inact:ineasyhard|Easy and Hard Derivatives]]
    * [[courses:activities:inact:inpotentiallab|Potential Energy of an Elastic System]]
  * Publication:
    * Grant Sherer, Mary Bridget Kustusch, Corinne A. Manogue, and David Roundy, //{{publications:pdm.pdf|The Partial Derivative Machine}}//, 2013 Physics Education Research Conference, Portland, OR (submitted).

=== Fun with Partial Derivatives ===

  * Workshop Handout:
    * {{workshops:perc13:chainrule.pdf|Fun with Partial Derivatives Handout}}
  * Publications:
    * [[bb>|The Bridge Book]] (our online textbook covering multivariable calculus)\\\\ See especially the following draft sections:
      * [[bb>book:math:chainapp|Applications of Chain Rule]]
      * [[bb>book:math:chaindiag|Chain Rule via Tree Diagrams]]
      * [[bb>book:math:rearrange|Rearranging Differentials]]
      * [[bb>book:math:thermo|Examples from Thermodynamics]]
      * [[bb>book:math:notdiff|Things not to do with Differentials]]
    * Mary Bridget Kustusch, David Roundy, Tevian Dray, and Corinne A. Manogue, //{{workshops:perc13:egames.pdf|Partial Derivative Games in Thermodynamics: A Cognitive Task Analysis}}//

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