===== Quantum Activities =====

  * See a [[:courses:start|sample syllabus]] of how we order these materials.
  * Tips on how to [[whitepapers:sequences:start#quantum_mechanics_sequences|sequence activities]] with lecture and class discussion.
  * Textbook:  We have written a textbook, [[texts:quantumbook:start|Paradigms in Physics:Quantum Mechanics]], that reflects the way we teach the subject.  The quantum activities are also [[topic:qmtext|organized by textbook chapter]].

==== Operators ====

  * [[courses:activities:spact:spprojectionoperators|
	Projection Operators]]
  * [[courses:activities:spact:spspinoperators|
	Matrix Representation of Spin Operators]]
  * [[courses:activities:wvact:wvoperatorfunc|
	Operators and Functions]]

==== Eigenstates ====

  * [[courses:activities:cfact:cfqmringgroup|
	Eigenstates of a Particle Confined to a Ring]]
  * [[courses:activities:cfact:cfguessleg|
	Guessing the Legendre Polynomial Expansion of a Function]]
  * [[courses:activities:cfact:cflegseries|
	Finding Legendre Coefficients]]
  * [[courses:activities:qmact:qmshobasis|
	Harmonic Oscillator Basis States]]

==== Probability Densities ====

  * [[courses:activities:cfact:cfqmring|
	Particle Confined to a Ring]]
  * [[courses:activities:cfact:cfqmsphere|
	Particle Confined to a Sphere]]
  * [[courses:activities:cfact:cfylmcombo|
	Linear Combinations of Spherical Harmonics]]
  * [[courses:activities:cfact:cfradialwavefunc|
	Radial Wavefunctions]]
  * [[courses:activities:cfact:cfhydrogenvis|
	Hydrogen Probability Densities]]

==== Stern-Gerlach Simulations ====

These labs all use a java program called SPINS that simulates Stern-Gerlach
experiments with spin-1/2 and spin-1 particles.  The software runs on all
platforms and can be downloaded from
	the SPINS home page]].

  * [[courses:activities:spact:spspin1|
	SPINS Lab 1]]
  * [[courses:activities:spact:spspin2|
	SPINS Lab 2]]
  * [[courses:activities:spact:spspin3|
	SPINS Lab 3]]
  * [[courses:activities:spact:spspin4|
	SPINS Lab 4]]

==== Energy Eigenvalue Equation ====

  * [[courses:activities:wvact:wvfinitewell|
	 Solving the Energy Eigenvalue Equation for the Finite Well]]

==== Time Evolution ====

  * [[courses:activities:spact:spqmevolution|
	Quantum Time Evolution]]
  * [[courses:activities:wvact:wvtimeinfwell|
	 Time Evolution of Infinite Well Solutions]]
  * [[courses:activities:wvact:wvgausswavepacket|
	 Time Evolution of a Gaussian Wave Packet]]
  * [[courses:activities:qmact:qmtimesho|
	Time Evolution of Harmonic Oscillator States]]

==== Angular Momentum ====

  * [[courses:activities:qmact:qmtwospin|
	 System of Two Spin-1/2 Particles]]
  * [[courses:activities:qmact:qmzeemancoupled|
	 Zeeman Perturbation Matrices in the Coupled Basis]]